He answers your question.

He assumed you were smarter than you are and you would have twigged to the scientology smear being an artifact of the bankers.

It's possible he knows about scientology only as an abstract concept which can be used in court in the same way, as a smear. Standard lawyer stuff.

This is the man who took on Deutsche Bank & Volkswagen and won.

He's arguing a lot of his own case and an alternative journalist is covering it, pointing out the flaws in the V Fischer et al case.

From the 10 days of testimony thus far it looks as though there were agents of the state inserted into the Corona Investigative Committee.

It looks as though you did very little research & are throwing something scandalous about Reiner Fuellmich onto a substack for "clicks."

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> He assumed you were smarter than you are and you would have twigged to the scientology smear being an artifact of the bankers.

How would that work? It is a court that stated he used the same strategy.

>It's possible he knows about scientology only as an abstract concept which can be used in court in the same way, as a smear.

Better you do your research in the matter. It is accessible online, and shows that he used it not in court, but that in court he gave the cease and desist order. he used the slander outside of court, where not even a lawyer is allowed to do it.

>This is the man who took on Deutsche Bank & Volkswagen and won.

So he says... Have you seen any evidence of such victories?

> He's arguing a lot of his own case and an alternative journalist is covering it, pointing out the flaws in the V Fischer et al case.

So, who is covering that case? Take a look. They are not doing journalism. They are partial. One of them has not disclosed that he was involved in the behind-the scenes talks prior to the blow-out. So he knows what was the issue, and - as far as I can see - he has not disclosed it. That's not journalism.

> From the 10 days of testimony thus far it looks as though there were agents of the state inserted into the Corona Investigative Committee.

This is the question. It is founded by Reiner Fuellmich reading from a "Dossier". This Dossier has as yet not been confirmed authentic. So it may even be, that IT is part of Standard Lawyer Stuff. Who knows. The questions raised are NOT answered. And they are relevant, as Mathew Crawford has pointed out.

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Thanks for pursuing this. Humans are flawed and it’s possible he is both trying to hunt down scammers and also being one at the same time. His work in the Cic stands but he could also be dodgy. I’m glad for the work he’s done but if he is guilty of some crimes he should face the music too.

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Information new to me (as of 4/11/24):

WOLFGANG JESCHKE'S THE FUELLMICH CONSPIRACY. Significant presentation and analysis of what has happened with Reiner Fuellmich.


"Extended analysis:

There is a serious concern that Reiner Fuellmich's efforts to influence political processes or gain exposed political office could undermine the foundations of our democratic society. His activities are not only to be classified as potentially illegal, but also pose a threat to internal security. The awarding of or the possibility of obtaining politically exposed offices must be prevented by all means within the rule of law." -from an apparent German security services dossier.

If this leak is genuine then this raises serious questions.

Ah ok I see this now:

Who or what is behind the “Reiner Fuellmich dossier”?


But this seems only to consist of a letter from Viviane Fischer asking the security services to verify a leak, which of course they would never do.

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Thank you for pointing this out!

The post wich the author linked to is indeed, as stated, a translation of Viviane Fischers efforts to get to the bottom of a mysterious „Dossier“.

The argument which is made is a non-sequitur. It implies that the institutions can’t be trusted. If this was the case, even class actions won’t make sense, as the courts are part of that nefarious system.

However, it would also mean, that a Dossier from a dishonest institution might not be what it seems to be in the first place, right? If „they“ want to fool „us“, they may also be fooling us with a fake dossier which they leak at an appropriate moment.

So what gives Fuellmich, Miseré and others the confidence that what they have is what they think they have - or what Elsa and Wolfgang Jeschke say it is?

In any case, an attempt to use they means at her hands, to make use of the freedom of information which public institutions have to respect, seems a necessary and worthwhile effort if you want to get to the bottom of what is very murky.

As for the general thrust of Wolfgang Jeschke‘s piece: it is full of assertions which are NOT PROVEN as of now. And it argues about downstream events which may, or may not, have a bitter taste. I am not arguing in favor of neither Viviane Fischer, nor the port lawyers.

All I am trying to show is: wait a minute! Why doesn’t Fuellmich answer legitimate questions about how we/he got here in the first place.

In this respect there are questions which he hasn’t answered.

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What you say is true I think, but I am far removed and only guessing, like most in this case.

But you're leaving out that they abducted him illegally from Mexico, which casts a shadow over their case, as well as their willingness or ability to respond to requests for documents. Also, why jail someone before trial in a financial case involving the price of a single house? Fishy.

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I am not leaving anything out. I am not sure it has been established beyond a doubt that the whole thing isn't in fact a Psy-Op. Especially the way the initial loan has been arranged with the Port Lawyers is ... kind of interesting. That they should have stayed in touch... kind of interesting. That Fuellmich AND HIS WIFE lost/misplaced their passports at the same time ... kind of interesting.

The case is a distraction. Why? Because the Court has not even accepted the charges of misappropriation with regards to monthly payments for the law firm at a rate which seems VERY unusual, given the clear objective in the statutes, that no-one must be compensated overduely. RF did NOT clear these invoices with anyone. Legally is was allowed to green-light the pay-out. But whether it was legal that he green-lighted the "contract/order" of such expensive services should have been investigated in that trial. It isn't. Why not? Yes, unfortunately prosecutors in Germany are under political direction.

The detention is common for ANYONE who has no legal residence in the country. Or who is to be supected of going abroad. RF went away, for extended periods, which has been established during the investigation, when police showed up at his law firm wanting to speak to him. What did the employees tell the police? That should have been heard in court. But if they told them that Mr and Mrs Fuellmich had left the country (as he has said on multiple occasions that they were planning to leave the country for good), it is not at all unusual that he would not be granted bail.

The public is mislead over this fact.

The main reason I am not foucssing on the matter is because I want to remind everyone that these are downstream problems. We need to keep in mind what came before this. How did we get here? Where did he come from? Why is he so tight on the Scientology issue from back in the 1990s? There are growing concerns about RF not telling the truth, at least not all of the truth, or nothing but the truth. That's my point.

I was supportive of him until 2022. I even met him. He was evasive back then, which struck me as odd. His evasiveness now versus the public is highly suspicious. and the way he attacks his ooponents (attacked them right away, instead of calming things down). But there might be an explanation. I am open for him to come up with the truth.

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[COPY] Reiner Fuellmich, German Political Prisoner, Gives Us an Update in His Own Words. Read. Share. Consider the Implications

Assistant DA worked + 3 shills entrapped, illegally kidnapped Reiner. The judge says he will convict regardless of the evidence. His crime? Revealing the truth about the Propagandemic.


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There is one problem: Dr. Laibow relies on information which she received from Reiner Fuellmich. His credibility and trustworthiness has turned out to be very, very low.

He has been confronted (in 2021) with an old TV report from 1999 in which he prominently featured. You can read about it in my post „Black Propaganda“.

He said in 2021 that the report was a complete fabrication and that it had been banned by court ruling.

That’s been half-truth at best. First, the court heard no evidence, but just issued an injunction.

Later, when the court heard evidence on the matter, it ruled in favor of the main message: that it’s fair to assume that Scientology had subverted a German State Commissioner. Reiner Fuellmich had very close ties to that Commissioner. And, the court found, that the commissioner should have realised that he, Fuellmich, was using the same methods which Scientology employs. He also was found to be acting in a way beneficial for Scientology.

In 2022 he said he had not even known what Scientology was when the program was aired.

This, too, has been proven wrong by courts, as he, Fuellmich, employed a tactic which used the accusation of innocent people being Scientologists as early as 1997. This shows he knew exactly what Scientology was.

You can not believe a single word Reiner Fuellmich says. He will say anything at any time if only it serves his purpose at the time.

Reiner Fuellmich is banking on People‘s ignorance.

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"You can read about it in my post „Black Propaganda“."

I will do that. Thanks.


read it.


this is all so complex. I like simple solutions, maybe I'm no genius.

I believe Iain Davis is right that the central bankers central bank, the BIS, is at the heart of all the evil, because it explains so much, like for example why the CIA does such irrational things that are not in U.S. interests. Who is behind the BIS I don't know. I call it the World Stealth Organization. Maybe they use Scientology for their ends.

-edit no.2-

sorry you put a paywall there, it looks good:

Discussion: Why it is important to question "Leaders of the Movement" - The Intricacies of the Cases of Reiner Fuellmich and others

Invitation for Paid Subscribers: We will discuss why it is necessary to get to the bottom of conflicts of interests or doubts of personal credibility


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Yes I wonder now about his credibility, and combined with the illegal rendition from another country makes me think that, as you say, the whole thing might be a psyop.


If it is a psyop then its worth asking why they would go to this trouble and who they were targeting to be taken in by it, and I think the answer would be its worth it for them to tie down concerned people who might otherwise be doing things like working to change things.

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If he is a deep state actor an anonymous benefactor should step in any moment around now to bail him out.

I think there were much bigger plans laid out for him but he became too cocky - made himself uncreditworthy and put into a position of imminent financial ruin. Desperate to stay the course for his masters he raided the coffers of CIC to keep himself viable for a while longer. But it then all fell apart faster than he had hoped for and he's been frantically wriggling ever since.

He appears rapidly aged and frequently spouting nonsensical gibberish which could make him a potential liability to some. It's possible he might end up 'suicided'.

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I am a retired NZ-licensed Private Investigator specialising in international white collar crime/fraud. I have seen this all before and I believe that Reiner Fuellmich has psychiatric issues, Asperger's Syndrome (aka High Functioning Autism) or similar. He shows high intelligence and ignores logic. People need to understand the significance of this, then the whole thing (including the many unanswered questions) makes perfect sense. If one doesn't understand ASD then people will continue to run around in circles, either supporting him or detracting from his words/intent/actions.

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He doesn't have a bank account and was forced to sell his house. Sounds a lot like a bankrupt scientologist to me. So why is he hiding his bankruptcy and painting it as something else.

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