Jonathan Couey seems to be someone who not many of those people occupying the front rows in the Medical Freedom Movement seem to get along with. Almost all of them have met him. Hardly anyone is sharing his work.
What does it mean?
It could mean that he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Given the fact that he has been working in the Lab of two Nobel Laureats, and given the fact that he was hired by Robert F. Kennedy jr to do important research for his book about “a novel virus escaping from a Lab in Wuhan“, that doesn’t seem to be too likely.
How much on-target Dr. Couey probably is about his hypothesis that he has been the target in early 2020 when he began to voice his concerns about the impossibility of distinguishing any signals obtained from PCR test from an earlier existing background) can be gauged from the fact that he has been approached by many people who are prominent today. Among those was also Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who was a guest on even mainstreet newsprogramms such as FOX News as an alleged “whistleblower”. Yan, it was said, had fled from China, because she knew the “truth” about “SARS COV2 coming from a Lab”.
) proves that Li-Meng Yan was not what she claimed to be. She had very likely not fled China, because she is married to a scientist who works and lives in the US. In her interview with Tucker Carlson, who also hailed her as a whistleblower, she speaks with a very broad Chinese accent. However, in a presentation in 2018, Dr. Yan was much more fluent in scientific English. Why did she appear to make people believe that her English was poor? Was it to prop up her narrative of a Lab Leak? In any case, Yan was cleary presented to Dr. Couey to get him dig deeper and concentrate on his own Lab Leak hypothesis, which he had developed as had many others back in 2020, rather than on his hypothesis on the background noise problem of PCR-tests, which only Couey had! Instead of encouraging him to elaborate that crucial piece of evidence further in order to get to the bottom of the questionable “novel virus” narrative, almost all of his co-activist-scientistst at the time were doing their utmost to get Couey to drop that theory and fall back into line with the prevailing narrative.All of the above indicates that, very likely, Couey does know what he is talking about today, as he did back in 2020.
The consequences of him being onto something are so important for humanity, because they pose an existential threat on all of the pandemic preparedness planning which mainstream science, dissidents such as Malone, and governments around the world in unison with supra-national bodies such as the W.H.O. (who would indeed become a kind of One-World-Government in times of “the next pandemic) are pressing for relentlessly.
Therefore I am supporting Dr. Couey in his calls for all the co-authors of the famous/infamous Corman-Drosten-Review to come forward and explain the questions which need to be asked: how did that illustrous circle get together? Who coordinated the work? What was documented? Was there no discussion of the “background noise problem of PCR”? Why not?
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