"...JJ was let go by Children’s Health Defense at a time when he and I had been about to have a discussion with Vera Sharav about the strategy of the project he and I and Vera Sharav were working on jointly at the time."

If this project is not a secret, pray tell!

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I regret to say that Vera Sharav and I are no longer working together on the project which was going to be a book project documenting how Never Again Is Now. I believe it was very much in line with what the President’s Commission on the Holocaust suggested in its Final Report to the President in 1979. That “maximal exposure for dangerous developments” should be provided by, especially, survivors issuing “institutional scream(s) to alert the conscience of the world and spark public outcry.” Of course, the Commission in the late 1970s did not foresee a potential by gene technology. However, the discussions which have become public from the 1962 CIBA conference in London should have been given more public attention. Dr. Couey is doing exactly this. Unfortunately, CHD did not back him. They fired him instead. I have tried to get Vera Sharav to back Dr. Couey publicly, but had to understand that I would not succeed in achieving this kind of public support for Dr. Couey from Vera Sharav. What Vera has been able to achieve via other routes is beyond my knowledge.

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I totally understand:

As a biology teacher in a community college I have to constantly tread lightly.

Though I have eliminated outright propaganda from my teaching materials, I continue to take a VERY nuanced approach to teaching students how to challenge prevailing narratives. I do this by choosing issues that are underreported, but undisputed.

Hopefully for her part, Ms. Sharov is doing the right thing ...from the inside.

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There was no pandemic! THERE WAS NOTHING TO BE CONCERNED WITH! Let me be clear - there was NO pandemic, there was NO novel new pathogen, and there is not a going forward virus to be concerned with. All of COVID was a 100% lie. The goal was to make humanity to take a dangerous and deadly DNA viral vector platform gene-based injection. Now people are attempting to confuse and point fingers to make the lie linger. Arguing where an unproven virus came from or that it is to blame for other things only ensures that humanity believes there is something out there to be concerned with. That there is SOME NEW DISEASE. But there wasn’t/isn't. There is no evidence anywhere of “something new that requires attention”. The notion that something had spread during the “pandemic phase” was not driven by person-to-person pathogenic spread but by an extremely rapid ramp-up of PCR testing finding increasing numbers of “positive cases”. The best way of insulating us from these is to show that the pandemic was, essentially, a conjuring trick – once the methods of the magicians are revealed, the power of the illusion is lost forever. All one has to do is ask oneself why, after 4.5 year of the COVID narrative, is there still not a diagnostic test for the purported virus. The answer, of course, is that there is no such virus. Many benefited financially, politically and in other ways from the pandemic narrative. Do not trust people that discuss COVID as a new disease, a disease that needs to be dealt with, or push any lies surrounding around the psyop. Quit allowing the lie to linger. Fight the lie every single time it is presented.

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Spot on. I have been saying this about RFK, McCullough, Malone and other fear mongers. Thanks for the statement.

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Wow. This answers so many questions. The virus/no virus argument. And more.

Thankyou so much Uwe, and JJ. I’m delighted to have stumbled upon this. Having followed Brett and Malone and many of these people all the way since 2020, I feel my tectonic plates have begun to shift. How many will listen or even show interest. (I think the pineal has become unavailable..) Now to ask some questions, beginning at the FLCCC, where I’ve been a devoted follower since they began. Let’s have a discussion. Twitter space?

I’ve been wondering about the scratch method for “vaccinating”, and always felt instinctively it was an invasion to inject beneath the skin. Guess I’m about to make myself unpopular with a whole new bunch of people.

I’m told that there’s a “resurgence of Covid” in Ireland and in California. Crazy times. I hate vaccines now, and see them as a weapon of war. I’ll gladly share this.

I love the idea of the chemical/vibrational communication in and around us and all living things, and the spiritual field it incorporates. Makes perfect sense.

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Check out the Nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble. They post original sourced science videos.. no virus 🦠..

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Injecting toxic substances under the skin is like making a hole in a castle's wall and putting something unpleasant inside. Alternatively like a Trojan Horse. The occupants of the castle allow the enemy inside.

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Couey is a genuine star. His integrity, subject matter expertise, direct experience, attention to detail, courage to call bullshit on so many of the liars put infront of us as freedom fighters. I am blown away everytime. He's a star. Support him. Elevate his message. "This is for all the marbles" as he often says, there is no second chance at this.

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Why hasn't Couey exposed the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band?)


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Perhaps, as a biologist, he hasn’t a clue about that field.

I don’t, hence I’m open to those with deep & genuine knowledge in the discipline.

I don’t think “it’s all a PsyOp”, though in truth I’ve seen so little that appears to be based on empirical evidence that I cannot properly rank the threat anticipated vs numerous other threats.

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Jun 24Liked by Uwe Alschner

When "truth-tellers" ignore critiques or attack the character of the critiquer, they are playing the same game as our politicians, media and "medical experts" who just ignore dissenters and label us as "anti-Science", "anti-Vaxxers" and "conspiracy theorists". If those JJ accuses of being "meddlers" will debate him on the issues I will have more interest in what they have to say. Thank you for circulating this important lecture - there are many more of interest in JJ's archives https://stream.gigaohm.bio

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I’m not a scientist but I’m shocked at how unwilling Drs & scientists are to have this debate … which makes me very skeptical..

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If you care about knowledge and right application of it then you are a scientist. The problem has been idolising those who tell us they are 'Doctors' and 'Scientists' and we should 'Follow the science'. They have feet of clay.


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Agree with you 100% that JJ's message needs to be amplified. It completely knocks out the foundation of so much of the junk science and removes the need for pandemic preparedness as you say. I have been watching JJ for a while and he has taught me a lot about biology in ways that make the knowledge very accessible. And I have seen him grow and to change his theory when evidence comes to light that shows he was wrong about something. That takes courage and the capacity not to be dependant on the State. I love this presentation of his and how he calls a spade a spade. I have never really been comfortable with the whole Heroes of the Medical Freedom movement although I was fooled by quite a few early on. He annoys me sometimes like with his feud with Sasha Latypova. I guess anyone can be controlled opposition but she has been saying the same things as he has and I have no idea what it is he has against her. But at the end of the day he has developed an excellent theory which is still the best explanation of how it was done. And of how much of what we are told is biologically impossible. I hope there are places that have the courage to host JJ to give more talks but there are some who will steer clear I suppose. Thank you for amplifying this important message. (-:

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SARS- CoV-2 …

Is Still Only “Poised” For Human Emergence.

Show Me A Single Respiratory Poison

That Is Self-Replicating.

There Is No There - THERE.

Gain Of Function Is

Gain Of Failure.

“Poised”. Only “Poised”. Still Poised To Fail.

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I interviewed Couey in January 2023 and soon after sent him this letter. He made no sense in that interview. He was arguing for the virus and the pandemic. We should consider how much of what he says here, I said to him 18 months ago.


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Yes, censoring Mike Yeadon was bad. And here’s Mike’s latest that I’ve read, and below that, a nice update from Tom on “virology”.



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THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring JJ Couey…. he deserves more exposure and credit for everything he has done and is still trying to do with almost nothing…. grazie!

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CHD won't answer me and address the fact that there is no virus. They still want to scre the public when there is 0 evidence there is a virus. Give me a break.

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• COV-2 Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Luciferase and 5G: https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable


We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up toxins; ingest/inject. We cyclically purge toxins from our body to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF in our environment.


1) Seasonal Earth Tilt

Earth's axis-tilt changes the angular momentum of its electromagnetic field, which, via inductance, re-calibrates our weaker, cellular EMF. All magnetic fields are torroidal in nature. All cells have a weak electrical charge. The Earth has a magnetic field, which, via inductance, shapes the magnetic field of our cells, such as a strong magnet warps/re-aligns the field of a weaker magnet. Field Theory is not just hypothesis.

2) New EMF Tech

New, wide-spread EMF tech precedes all "pandemics"; an undeniable fact, which includes the COV-2 “pandemic” that started when Wuhan launched/activated the first city-wide 5G towers in China. When environmental electromagnetic frequencies/polarity change it causes, via inductance, the body to re-calibrate EMF/polarity on a molecular level, which triggers a natural detox process/cycle that brings cellular EMF of our cells into homeostasis with our environment.


• 1918: Spanish Flu - Ten million Bell system telephones were in service throughout the US by 1918.

• 1957: Asian Flu - Hong Kong television began May 1957

• 2003: SARS - From 2002-2003, 3G networks launched globally

• 2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan activated 1,580 5G towers mid-October, 2019. 5G deployed worldwide 2019.

3) Injected/Ingested Toxins

• Vaxx to Kill/Disable Billions Over 10-15 Years: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

• Vaccines are Catalysts for all Autoimmune Diseases: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autoimmune-diseases

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Jj Couey did an Excellent job, here, explaining all the deceit w t powers that be, t G0f pandemonium nonsense, when all of this Kahhvid Pandemonium fear was really Post.viral.pneumonia easily treated w #Antibiotics!!!

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I have addressed Couey's claim here that in the same way that NL63 and HKU1 were only discovered after SARS1, SARS2 might have also been endemic but not discovered before 2020: sars2.net/nopandemic.html#Was_SARS2_circulating_in_humans_before_2020_but_not_detected_in_the_same_way_that_HKU1_and_NL63_were_only_discovered_after_SARS1. See also the section titled "Sarbecovirus reads are rare before 2020 at the NCBI's Sequence Read Archive".

At the NCBI's sequence read archive there's about 15 million sequencing runs that were published before 2020. There were 4176 runs that had 10 or more reads that had a match to SARS-CoV-2 based on a rough match to a 32-base k-mer. But when I downloaded the first million reads from all runs, I found zero reads which actually matched SARS2.

The only reads which matched other srabecoviruses were part of experiments where lab animals or cell lines were infected with viruses like SARS1, experiments where sequencers were tested with different synthetic viral fragments, sequencing projects of bat metagenomes or bat viromes, and so on. The only runs I found where a sarbecovirus may have come from an actual human patient were French influenza A samples from 2007-2012 which were contaminated with SARS1. However the SARS1 reads in the samples matched the lab-created wtic and ExoN strains, so the samples may have been contaminated in the lab. Or there may have actually been an outbreak of SARS1 in France which was caused by a lab leak.

However it's easy to find random metagenomic sequencing runs published before 2020 that contain reads of NL63 or HKU1. Many of them are part of runmetagenomic sequencing runs where the authors are not specifically amplifying viruses but they're just sequencing all RNA in a patient sample.

For example one run which matched NL63 was part of a study whose description said: "208 children with exacerbation prone asthma were enrolled according to the inclusion criteria. Each child had baseline samples collected and were prospectively monitored for the onset of cold symptoms (Events) during a 6 month period. 106/208 children came in during one or more events and had sufficient samples collected for analysis." (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/?term=SRR7309933) So if some of the children would've had symptoms of cold because of a COVID infection, the study would've similarly detected reads of SARS-CoV-2 in the samples.

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I am not going to debate you on the detail you put forward attempting to discredit Dr. Couey. All I ask you is to engage with your „star scientists“ to engage Dr. Couey in a debate. If your material is as valid as you seem to think it is, then they will surely be using it in such a debate and we will see which answer Couey gives. Until then, I‘d like to ask you to refrain from spamming these pages. Because that is what you do. Dr. Malone, Kevin McKernan, Dr Kory etc, they all should be forthright and debate Couey.

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Well I have already tried to debate Couey about this issue, because I showed him the section on my website and I posted instructions on how he can reproduce my work, but I didn't receive any response. I also posted some of my shell code on Housatonic's old Discord server, because he has said that he knows shell scripting, but I don't think he ever tried to run my code.

It was rude for you to say that my comment was spam. I was responding to your remark that nobody will address Couey's arguments other than through ad-hominem attacks. Because I have addressed several of his arguments so that I have focused on technical details.

I have also showed why Rancourt was wrong that there was no viral spread from USA to Canada, because I found several Canadian strains of the virus on GISAID that are descended from an American strain (https://x.com/henjin256/status/1727815790223643091, https://x.com/henjin256/status/1727812545283604502). And I have showed how the quasi-species swarm is not actually that diverse by using a sample of the Snohomish County man as an example (sars2.net/nopandemic.html#Diversity_of_a_quasi_species_swarm). And I have showed how the molecular clock indicates that the virus probably wasn't endemic for long before 2020, because the virus has been mutating at a rate of about 30 nucleotide changes per decade, but there's almost no GISAID submissions in 2020 that had more than 50 nucleotide changes from Wuhan-Hu-1, apart from samples with sequencing errors (and possibly some Egyptian samples that may have recombined with a Khosta-1 like virus, even though they shared many mutations with B.1 which only emerged after the Wuhan strain) (https://x.com/henjin256/status/1797195844212375610).

I have also addressed Couey's claim that RNA viruses cannot pandemic by showing that currently circulating strains of H1N1 are still descendants of the 2009 pandemic strain of H1N1, so in a way the swine flu pandemic is still ongoing (https://x.com/henjin256/status/1757751414728622500). And from 1997 until 2009, most human strains of H1N1 were descended from the 1977 Russian flu strain, which might also qualify as a pandemic since H1N1 had become extinct in humans for over two decades before a 1950s strain of H1N1 was reintroduced in 1977. Even Vincent Racaniello says that the Russian flu epidemic probably had an anthropogenic origin, even though he blames it on a botched vaccine trial in China. The descendants of both the 1977 and 2009 strains of H1N1 were evolving at a constant rate of about 0.3% nucleotide changes in the HA segment per year, but they still managed to stay viable enough that they have probably killed millions of people throughout the decades.

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It is not you who ought to debate JJ. For once, you hide in anonymity. Even if you were showing who you are: It is the self-declared authorities who must stand the test. If you are genuine, you will support the call for them to face Dr. Couey.

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Well I think I'm one of the leading authorities in showing why these no-pandemic guys are wrong, so I guess that makes me a self-declared authority.

McKernan has also wasted a lot of time trying to debate Couey, and he wasn't even focused on personal attacks like you suggested: https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1644344780371927042, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1647265396536344579, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1644429205168353283, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1645587700232200192, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1642503960882757635, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1668981233836064769, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1750252852692292031, https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1750579533449720076, https://anandamide.substack.com/p/quasi-species-swarms-in-sars-cov, https://anandamide.substack.com/p/the-pet-theory-economy. I don't think Couey would agree to do a debate with McKernan on his stream because Couey would get devastated.

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Talking about "waste of time". You are wasting everybody's time by deflecting. Kernan did not "debate" Couey. He posted stuff which he said was on point, but wasn't. Debate is a face to face dialogue. So unless I see you post a call for McKernan to challenge Couey to a debate (as well as Malone, or Weinstein, Kirsch etc.) there is no point in wasting our time here. You are obviously trying to keep everyone busy with Hogwash. You may do so elsewhere.

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It was not a pandemic. It was a holocaust of medical assault.

Irony alert: Will pandemic denial become the "moral equivalence" of Holocaust denial?

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