"We have yet to mount a defense"

"Should The Lancet staff be held liable for deaths that resulted after it censored this now-peer-reviewed paper? Not likely. However, the Big Pharma narrative has fallen apart. The shots have been declared ineffective, and the 8th Circuit Court recently ruled that mRNA injections are NOT vaccines. This means that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA was illegal. Thus, all shot recipients were tricked into a horrific medical experiment.

Call it what it is: A war against all humans in which “crimes against humanity” are seen wherever you look. I declared war on Technocracy on December 18, 2015 – nine years ago. It was clear back then, and now we are piling up the bodies and nursing the wounded. We have yet to mount a defense." ⁃ TN (Technocracy News) Editor (Patrick Wood)

Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot


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Issues of identity and integrity have always been difficult, otherwise there would be no such thing as divorce. They are much more difficult in the middle of a world war, which is in many ways an information war, where the battlefronts move at the speed of messages on the internet.

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Alex Jones is a red herring, not indicative of anything. He is certainly no "messenger of truth." They went after him for a number of reasons, mainly to "prove that the Newtown massacre happened."

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I don't know how I got subscribed to this Substack, but I'm glad I did. This was an excellent conversation. And a big shout out to Grace for letting her guests talk unimpeded.

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Thank you all - passing on to German friends.

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