How is it so few people within the "Medical Freedom Movement" seem to be interested in the very straight line between the run-up to 9/11 ('Bioterrorism' emerging) and the two (!) SARS "pandemics"?
Interesting. I wasn’t aware of the similar / matching presentation. Thank you. And yes. I cannot recall anyone else citing the Paul Schreyer presentation to me, which is itself striking.
I’ve certainly mentioned a few times especially in early interviews.
It wasn’t my original thought.
I got it from Paul Schreyer’s YouTube video “Pandemic simulations: preparation for a new era”.
You have. Which is almost a case in point (and another oddity): You are also shunned and shut up by many of those in the foreground of „the movement“.
The talk by Paul Schreyer is a twin to Mark Kulacz‘ presentation. They are not identical, but they go together perfectly.
Interesting. I wasn’t aware of the similar / matching presentation. Thank you. And yes. I cannot recall anyone else citing the Paul Schreyer presentation to me, which is itself striking.
There was a bioterror drill already in-progress on the day of 9/11 at Pier 92.,_2001
even AI can notice the pattern... of course it is 'racist' to notice patterns.