Yup. They pretty much have most everyone’s by know.

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Yes. That way their fake tests can make false claims to get you to take more drugs and Chemotherapy. Like Paxlovid. A repurposed drug under Emergency Use Authorization that was origionally used as Chemotherapy.

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What? Paxlovid is a chemotherapy drug? I didn't know that. Wow!

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It’s good to hear jj say these things now. He could simplify his answer in the first clip to “no, there is zero scientific evidence supporting the existence of viruses and also contagion.” Zero. There was no “pandemic” and no disease caused by “sars cov2”. He knows what’s going on now, and that’s really good to see, but he can stop mincing words and just simplify the explanation. That’s what people need to hear - the simple truth.

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01:57:50 take a listen for the exquisitely differentiated take by Dr. Couey on viral communication

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500,000 drug over dose deaths in 5 years in the USA, 2019-2023. The baseline is 20,000 a year in 1999. It is the only reason life expectancy has gone down, and it is a major enabler of the data that is used to suggest a pandemic. Its a simple data point that can be used to crush the pandemic narrative without any mention of molecular biology.

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Likewise you could just simply your comment to:

Andrew Kaufman = genius

Jonathan Couey = dumb

Jeff burt = expert denoter of 'what people need to hear'

But rephrased in such a way to make it look like it's a fresh, enlightening and a somehow insightful comment. Then post exactly the same thing in other comment threads like it's part of a well-financed marketing campaign.

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Excellent. Thank you Uwe.

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don't worry everyone, 'the experts' have finally figured out what's causing excess mortality and morbidity worldwide... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/researchers-now-100-in-agreement

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wait wait dont tell me. CLIMATE CHANGE

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