Yeadon also dropped a bombshell in that interview about Ivermectin being very bad for fertility and probably hyped for that purpose. Also about Hiroshima and Nagasaki being done with conventional weapons and made to look nuclear. Didn't mention the moon landings, but lots of idols toppled.

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There was a limit to how many pieces of fakery people can even consider let alone accept.

Having mentioned no nukes in Japan 1945, that alone causes followers to peel off because “I’ve gone too far this time”.

I remind people that I pointed out before they rolled them out that the injections masquerading as vaccines were designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

I knew this by inspection of their claimed composition and decades of experience of drug design and assessment of likely causes of toxicity.

So far, around 75% of humanity has been injected.

There was no pandemic, no public health emergency & I believe no virus, either.

How anyone could view this appalling conspiracy & not be transported to a “question everything” stance is beyond me.

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Yes, this is kind of the final straw, at least for someone like me, with no special expertise but who pays attention.

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deletedAug 22·edited Aug 22
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I'd appreciate if comments were kept on the constructive side. The logic of your statement implies that also among those that partake in discussion we will find "plants". Does't get us anywhere.

It is the content which should be discussed. And Mike Yeadon has stated that he thinks it makes no sense to go into absolutist statements, which is why he does question virology, not viruses per se (whatever they are). It is the concept of virology which is designed to make people believe the existence of viral pathogens. THAT is the issue. Whether or not what is there as a "viral signal" is infectious and able to communicate disease. It very likely is not, Yeadon says now.

No need for me to defend Mike Yeadon as a scientist. He does it himself in so many words for whoever cares to pay attention. JJ Couey also explains how scientists were led to believe in certain concepts. It is exactly this "school of thought", including the names of Lederberg, Baltimore, Gardener, Gallo, Malone etc, which needs to be exposed. JJ is doing a great job at it.

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Thank you. Yes, it’s only the claim that nucleic acid sequences are infective and pathogenic that I no longer accept.

What exactly is their purpose I don’t know though I have heard of other’s speculations.

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Indeed, what do all the virologists do all day?

Is it the same as medical doctors- who know that they are also part of a con, but they have invested big bucks to get there, and have societal prestige.

I have a friend at the UN, and she's so high status about it.

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His speciality was rational drug design. He said vaccines were developed in another pfizer facility located hundreds or thousands of miles away.

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Indeed. I think that was an internal firewall designed to prevent people like me accidentally stumbling into realising the fraud.

Important to note that the only thing that relates the “covid19” “vaccines” to other products called vaccines is the name.

Strike that out and they’re exactly the kind of product I understand how to design to give best chance of clinical utility and minimise chances of unacceptable toxicity.

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