"Do not question the pasts and behaviors of people you take information from," is suicide cult behavior, not rational behavior.

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Yet here is you in lockstep with Meryl Nass and Robert Malone overtly trying to reify the central dogma of the 100% fake pseudo pandemic.


You're in the cult aren't you Mathew. Or are we not allowed to question that?

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Thanks, Uwe.

Meryl Nass is not alone in making these kinds of "unity calls." It's the same thing Bret Weinstein did on the Tucker Carlson Informercial hour a few months ago.

Ironically, very few high profile "Health Freedom"/Anti-Lockdown leaders in the U.S. embrace open debate. They want everyone "on side," regardless of how ridiculous or unsubstantiated the claims.

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May 2Liked by Uwe Alschner

Please note that Nass has referred to “petty differences.” One man’s “petty” may be another’s hill to die on. Providing fraudulent-appearing data and engaging in what appears to be concealment when proof of claims is requested is not petty.

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And yet she leaves Malone alone for telling an obvious lie about me publicly and without repentence. She speaks vaguely into the air. The unity message has a clear asymmetric direction.

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Condescending as well. “Now now, children…” I respect some of the work she has done, however, toleration of lies hardly make us “Team Freedom.” We become no better than the evildoers.

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For some reason she thinks that Malone is a good guy, despite his clear propaganda and contradictory statements.

Usually it's the ones who trust liars that think others they don't follow are liars.

I kind of expected this unity bullshit from her.

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Ultimate Guide To Anti-Fertility Ivermectin Genocide: 14 Studies Showing It Wrecks Fertility Now All The Psy-Ops Make Total Sense - And Many Prominent Anti-Vaxxers Are Guilty In Helping Perpetrate Genocide https://timtruth.substack.com/p/ultimate-guide-to-anti-fertility

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I wonder if Dr. Falsi wrote that study. Or is this a study on the new "improved" ivermetin?

I proudly took my horse paste during the plandemic.. ...neigh..neigh.....

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He wrote the one on Remdesivir, with the help of fast-tracking by Trump. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2162VM/ Remdesivir being manufactured with Cyanide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remdesivir 50% of the people in the first study, all died. https://www.science.org/content/article/very-very-bad-look-remdesivir-first-fda-approved-covid-19-drug Like vitamin D, D3, it's D-Con, kills rats dead. https://vet.purdue.edu/addl/news/rodenticide-revolution.php Same with Ivermectin, the active ingredient in RAID and Roach Motels, Abemectin. It's perfect for the deplorables. https://www3.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/ppls/004822-00529-20040317.pdf

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May 2·edited May 2

Please have a listen to Richie Allen's first segment on a man's experience re. ventilators and insurance companies. This is the May 1st, 2024 podcast. Interesting, indeed. richieallen.co.uk

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I'm going to have to agree with Dr. Nass on this one. I'm so tired of medical freedom fighters calling each other names and questioning the sincerity of one another. Just today I learned of another upheaval within our ranks, which I don't feel at liberty to reveal until it is officially announced. If indeed it is true (and I will say that my info does come from a reliable source), it is a very sad development.

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Well, how about we look at who resorts to calling names? Incidentally it is those who Dr Nass defends heavily, such as Dr. Malone. How about she joins me in cautioning him about calling those who ask questions of him „maggots“


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Sure, what I said is meant to apply to ALL on the medical freedom side. I wish people would stop the name calling of others whose intentions are good, as far as we know, but who have a different opinion. It's okay, even necessary sometimes, to point out those differences, but calling someone a maggot or judging them to be insincere is wrong. I have been bothered by Dr. Malone's responses to critics and bothered by the incessant questioning of his motives, as well. We are in the battle of our lives. I obviously don't know you, but I appreciate your work. God uses imperfect people like you and I because there are no perfect people available. God bless you.

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Thank you! Dr. Malone's motives need to be questioned. Why? Because he is trying hard to shut down the debate about whether RNA-pathogens can cause a pandemic at all. It may not be a debate to his liking, but NOW is the time to revisit old paradigms and assumptions. His motives need to be questioned also because of his interest in gene-therapy applications over a long period of time. It would appear that he may have a conflict of interest when he insists on the pandemic narrative. The way he went after Dr. JJ Couey, and Dr. Mike Yeadon, was very concerning. I recommend you go and check out Mark Kulacz' (housatonicits.com) research on Dr. Malone.

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I will check out the info.

Also, I read your letter to Dr. Malone and it is a very thoughtful response to his tweet. I am grieved that he would use language so evocative of the Nazis. I am in disbelief about the rise of anti-semitism here in the US as well as the increasing hatred of Christians. I've been following Vera Sharav and I have felt the hatred toward those of us who refused the covid shots and were called "unclean," but I didn't foresee the attacks on Jews that I am seeing now. I should have expected it. I am a follower of Christ and I believe we are in a spiritual battle with demonic forces.

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Yep! Yep! YEP! I though the same thing. Dr. Meryl Nass has been a hero. I greatly admire what she has done. I love her. However, sometimes her eyes are still not as open as they should be. If we learned anything we should be allowed to ask respectable questions, and I thought we learned again and again through this plandemic that censorship can be deadly. I was as shocked about it as you were. I was hoping like the sheeple her eyes would open a tad more.

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Ivermectin + Q&A- May 1st, 2024

Watch here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iyXgiOZW1cZE/

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