I watched this episode of GagaOhm Biologics and found it to be an important topic to understand the ongoing operation to change humanity by those who think they are Gods. People who believe they have the right to determine who lives who dies or who need not even be born. The level of insanity steeped in hubris, power and ultimate control. Stripping humanity the ability to live free in their God given destiny. The godless appointing themselves as masters of the universe. As JJ says, we need to teach the children to not accept dictates and to question everything and not succumb to the slavers.

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Thank you for this Uwe. It all helps it sink in.

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May 28·edited May 28
May 28Liked by Uwe Alschner

When all else fails distract, distract, distract. Hey everybody look over there, not here.

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4thReich.com - Hitler's 4th Reich & Connections between Hitler's 4th Reich, Nuremberg 2.0 & Covid Plannedemic https://4threich.com

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