The Horse Race of Transfection Methods
Many horses are in the race to provide „immunisation“ and meet an „unmet need“. One jockey first appeared on a „Dark Horse Podcast“
Following our latest piece on „A Great Way to hide Gene Therapy“ a lot of readers have checked out Mark Kulacz‘ work directly, which has been intented.
For those who didn’t yet decide to follow Housatonics.Live this is another write-up of another important Housatonic review of striking „coincidences“ in episode 207.J on Covid being the „Horse Race of Transfection Methods“. It is also to exemplify how important it is to collaborate with other researchers (all the time using independent critical judgement, though): For Mark Kulacz was inspired to his video by another video from his co-investigator and collaborator Jonathan Couey who also deserves a follow and who had done a show on the complexity of the transfection shots. The point of that being to illustrate how talk about “DNA contamination” and “frame-shifts” very likely is nothing but a distraction. The Covid-19 shots have had very little chance of working in the first place due to the chemical and physical properties of the compounds involved in the manufacturing process. Then: why then were the shots rolled out at all?

Kulacz screened his episode 207.J that same day, the day when earlier also Robert Malone had published a piece on his substack in which he laments (“the chilly overcast this close to christmas seems oppressive…my mind goes to a dark place.”) his own fate of being labelled „controlled opposition“.
We have not labelled him controlled opposition, and are probably not important enough for Malone to take note anyway. We think, though, it is important that questions must not be forgotten, but instead should be asked of anyone who engages in projects of dubious nature, such as Dr. Malone over so many years.
His refusal to address issues raised by other dissident voices such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, is questionable. Also not promoting awareness of such issues as „no epidemic spread of any novel pathogen“ and“ whilst instead beating the drum of supposedly „unmet needs“ for countermeasures against „emerging novel infectious disease and engineered pathogens“ is questionable. Why? Because such a scenario could pave the way for mandatory „immunisations“ and other policies which are incompatible with Health Freedom and Human Rights.
What Kulacz has highlighted in his Episode 207.J is highly significant in this respect:
Amongst a series of very remarkable details it was documented that Dr. Amy Jenkins, who has been put in charge of DARPA’s P3 platform in August 2019, in August 2021 has been promoting (as have other protagonists) one particular method for delivery of immunisation via electroporation (transfection of genetic material into human cells via the skin).

The company Inovio had developed a „promising candidate“ for such a technique by which to „protect“ healthy humans from the dangerous Coronavirus using genetic information to be delivered not via intramuscular injection, but via electroporation.
However, this „promising candidate“, that seemed to be a leader in the early stage of the Horses Race of Transfections Methods soon after that was dropped. For no apparent reason.
Dr. Robert Malone and his wife not only have been involved in „incorporating Inovio“. Malone also calls himself the “inventor of in-vivo electroporation”.
Given these facts, his insistence on the „unmet need“ is remarkable, as he as an obvious conflict of interest.
Thus, Malone‘s leading role in thwarting Dr. Michael Yeadon‘s attempts to discuss the lack of evidence for any kind of health emergency at the beginning of 2020 is irritating. As did other „experts“ who presented in the House of Commons on December 4, 2023, Malone put special emphasis on issues such as DNA-contamination and other flaws of the present injections, but he pushed the fear of another virus which will come, possibly „engineered by anyone with an undergraduate degree in biology“.
Therefore it is quite possible that Mr. Malone, himself being a successful breeder of Lusitano Horses who first spoke out publicly against the Covid injections on the „Dark Horse Podcast“, might be acting as a jockey in the ongoing race. Is he riding a new Trojan Horse this time?
Who would not want to trust „an expert“ who by „speaking out“ has contributed greatly to (eventually) stop the dangerously flawed injections. If another “pathogen“ should “emerge“ (might it be called SPARS or something else) he would certainly vouch for the safety and effectiveness of a technological platform which to develop he has spent so much of his precious time an abundant intellectual resources on, wouldn’t he?
Kulacz stressed he was putting forth a speculative thought. This means, that none of the above proves Dr. Malone is indeed a bad actor. We are not making such a claim either. But: Questions need to be asked! And caution is warranted about whom to follow, and for what reasons.