Thank you for what you do.

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The paper by Bogdan Musial which Housatonic quoted was cut off in the middle in the free preview at Elsevier. The second half of the paper said that the documents which claimed that Vatican helped Mengele escape were fake: sci-hub.ee/https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.clindermatol.2021.07.005. The author has now also written a book about the fake documents: .amazon.com/Fake-Prison-Doctor-Auschwitz-Uncovering/dp/1399044052.

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Mark Kulacz, to my understanding, does not claim that the Vatican assisted. He does however question possible connections, as it has been shown that other escapes have indeed been even aided. Given the notoriety of Mengele, it is to be expected that official sources, such as this (https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/criminal-hrsp/legacy/2011/02/04/10-01-92mengele-rpt.pdf) will uphold there having been no assistance. Given the expertise of Mengele, it is, according to Kulacz, highly plausible why he would have been given protection. It is the overall situation which is concerning. So many connections between relevant institutions and people… and so many official declarations which have turned out to be lies. Not just over the past four years.

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Ok, I now listened to Housatonic's stream. He mentioned that the supposed countess who gave Mengele's research notes to Bogdan Musial turned out to be a fraud. But Housatonic kept referring to how the Vatican had kept Mengele's research notes, and he didn't mention that the whole story about the research notes in the Vatican turned out to be a scam.

On Twitter Housatonic wrote that "the Vatican helped Josef Mengele escape" and he posted a screenshot of Musial's paper as his source (https://x.com/HousatonicLive/status/1792971188857147734). He didn't post any correction even though I posted the link to the full paper at Sci-Hub, but I guess he just skimmed through the paper so maybe he didn't realize that the claim about Vatican he cited was also based on the fake documents.

Also Housatonic never mentioned that the official story about Mengele's death is that he drowned because he got a stroke while he was swimming. Or actually according to a letter that was attributed to Wolfram Bossert whose family protected Mengele, Mengele died on the beach after he was rescued from the water (but I don't know if he was submerged in water long enough that it would still qualify as a drowning) (https://libgen.rocks/index.php?req=marwell+mengele):

> With more time, Dieter Sack, a high-ranking BKA officer, analyzed the material from the Sedlmeier search, focusing on the undated letter from "MUS" to "Messerle," among others.[37] Based on the physical evidence, he concluded that the typewriter was from a country whose language did not use umlauts, since the umlauts in the letter were rendered by superimposing a quotation mark over relevant letters. He determined the identity of "MUS" by cross-referencing a telephone number in the letter to the name "Bossert," which appeared in Sedlmeier's datebook. Sack was able to fix the approximate date that "Uncle" died since the letter describing his death was referred to in another letter - this one dated April 20, 1979 - as having been written "two months earlier." A reference to the marriage of "Messerle's son" provided clear evidence that "Messerle" and Sedlmeier were one and the same.[38]

> Sack summarized the content of the letter, describing how Bossert reported the "detailed circumstances" of the death and burial of their mutual friend, "Uncle." During a vacation "at the sea," "Uncle" suffered a stroke while swimming. Bossert was able to pull him from the water, but "Uncle" died on the beach.

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You need to listen to the series of streams about the Vatican, about Koprowski having connections to get people like Prusiner into the secret chapel, about the Scientific Commission, about who is involved.

Kulacz raises valid questions. He does not seem to me to be making specific claims, even though some statements may seem otherwise during a livestream.

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Does Dr J. couey still bow to the authority of virology? Despite his inability to cite valid science, he was, not long ago, insisting that “viruses” are real. I would call that bowing to authority, wouldn’t you?


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I recommend you follow JJ yourself. You'll be surprised about what you learn about biology. And bowing to "authority". Please engage in meaningful discussion. Trolls will not be accepted.

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Please send a link to his current stance on the “virus existence” topic” I’ll be pleased to hear what he is now saying about it. I did listen to him directly but that was around the time the link I shared was posted. I’m not trolling, just raising an important point. Thanks, and please send a link to JJ if you have time.

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I’ve only had a chance to listen to ~45 minutes and I don’t mind finishing the 3+ hr episode you sent, but perhaps you can just tell me, because it’s not yet clear to me: does JJ still believe in “viruses” and if so, what is the basis of his faith? Without an independent variable, how could he? Again, I don’t mind finishing the talk you sent but the first 45 minutes are really not making it clear to me. I’m seeking a clear understanding of his position.

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Thank you, much appreciated.

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May 28·edited May 28

bhmversusmengele.tumblr.com should be read in conjunction with a sceptical look at this: https://chatgpt.com/c/341085ba-7417-4255-b5ee-f7f02edf2886 I am happy to defend my work in both and in relation to any challenge. AI trashed 20 years Librarianship trained work post retirement. 2002 was the watershed , with the Villa Almarin in Mougins Cannes my scoop, maybe.

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Delegates to the 77th World Health Assembly Please help to identify the contact info for the people who are purportedly "representing" your nation at the 77th World Health Assembly. Customize the template email and send it to all of them. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/delegates-to-the-77th-world-health Here's my list. Nuremberg 2.0 Public Trial Begins vs Top 100 Wanted for Covid Crimes Against Humanity Chief Justice presents the evidence on their Most Wanted posters for printing and distribution where legal and lawful. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/nuremberg-20-public-trial-begins

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Gotta wonder if the group of holocaust deniers are unwittingly participating in a psyop designed to distract us and make us not be able to perceive the similarities of what is happening now and what happened then. There are so many ways to confuse us. Be kind, listen to others and understand that history always repeats. The onus is on us to change the patterns.

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