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From a comment on this post’s German sister post: https://alschner-klartext.de/2024/04/16/lg-hamburg-bestaetigt-rechtmaessigkeit/#comment-5170

»The myth of "Hitler's law"

Embezzlement, or abuse of trust, was first understood as an independent offense in the Constitutio Criminalis Carolina (CCC) of 1532.


... the Prussian General Land Law of 1794, which in §§ 1331-1376 punished numerous breaches of trust. The focus of these norms was on the breach of a special duty of loyalty. The Land Law regarded breach of trust as a qualified form of fraud.


Section 246 of the Prussian Criminal Code of 1851 regulated the criminal liability of certain groups of people who were in a special relationship of duty to others.


§ Section 266 StGB in the version of January 1, 1872

The Imperial Criminal Code adopted Section 266 of the Criminal Code for the North German Confederation unchanged and punished embezzlement with a prison sentence of up to five years (Section 16 StGB old version).

Wording 1862

(1) The following shall be punished for breach of trust with imprisonment, in addition to which loss of civil rights may be imposed:

1. guardians, curators, trustees, sequestrators, administrators of estates, executors of testamentary dispositions and administrators of foundations, if they intentionally act to the detriment of the persons or property entrusted to their supervision;2. agents who intentionally dispose of claims or other property of the principal to the detriment of the principal;3. Surveyors, auctioneers, brokers, goods confirmers, conductors, weighers, cutters, brackers, stevedores and other persons obliged by the authorities to carry on their trade if, in the business entrusted to them, they intentionally disadvantage those whose business they are conducting.

(2) If the breach of trust is committed in order to obtain a pecuniary advantage for oneself or another person, a fine of up to one thousand thalers may be imposed in addition to the prison sentence.


The offense of embezzlement has existed for almost 500 years. Hitler became Reich Chancellor in 1933.

And once again Füllmich tells the Reiner-truth, and many blindly believe that too...

[It is hard to translate this punch: Pure in German is "rein". "purer", as more pure, a superlativ, would be. "Reiner"]«

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