JJ Couey is the real deal.... THANK YOU so much for interviewing him.... I will be sharing this everywhere! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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He never talks about the IEEE or nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. Follow this channel and ask yourself how JJ Couey doesn't know about it. He does.


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He is in this chat..... ask him yourself...

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truly eye-opening. It makes me wonder if we should have a new amendment to the constitution, similar to the separation of church and state, there should be a separation of pharmaceuticals and state. The analogy of the garbage dump and the book is priceless and I'm still laughing at that. Thanks Uwe and J.J.

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great idea.

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Incredible interview & priceless transcript for my friends who prefer to scan text and this covered so many essential topics in a concise wa.

To be fair my Ohmie heart believes Dr Jay is the best thing to happen to biology in my lifetime w decades tracking Biotech Mafia GMO science w feeding studies that confused me til I learned honest biology! <3

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Couldn't agree more, Pamela. I was trained in reductionistic biology-psychology, worked in a biophysics lab culturing hypothalamic neurons and poking them with glass electrodes, pursued molecular genetics to a PhD in HMG (gene-regulatory) proteins and then aborted this mission because I could no longer keep "sacrificing" animals, and something was telling me to "STOP, YOU ARE GOING the WRONG WAY" down the reductionistic tunnel. JJ Couey has rekindled my inner biologist after decades, and his journey through this pandemonium has been SO eye-opening. Glad to see Uwe getting the word out.

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One of the happiest surprises of my old age is how chronic truancy and marginal academic performance protected me from being too smart for my own good & enough DC exp to know Judge Judy rules apply if it sounds too confusing it's ridiculous it's not true the truth makes sense. My move from legislative loopholes to study realms came w medically involved family enough in hospital hours for a resident w central lines, trach, misc IV w lines but my tummy can't put a butterfly in.. to the point they were PCB cancers in my mind & science hunt began.. that led to Monsanto gmo & toxins.. EPA clean air at Ground Zero married causes & still hunting dirtbags but finding gems is the rarest & flippin adore Jay my new favorite for 2025.. long strange trip blessed to be traveling w my Ohmies. <3


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Wow, that's quite a journey too! I only woke up to most of the malfeasance in 2021. I'm in Australia where the lockstep was incredible and most of my ex-friends have gone silent on me. Have you seen this by a new friend and fellow Ohmie down under? He's done some very witty unpacking of the coup. https://warrenross.substack.com/p/are-we-talking-about-the-same-thing

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New to me fab share thanks!! <3

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Speaking of malfeasance, I noticed today that McKernan's latest AI-assisted Substack contains a final section about the culling of the boomers which Jay has been talking about. When I commented on how surprised I was to see someone else other than the "chemtrail retarded" guy (LOL) mentioning this, (and suggested he ask the IA about transfection and intramuscular injection) he has now blocked me! In case I had any doubt about his authenticity.

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Bravo nicely done go you & kudos for reading him.. best way to out the liars is ask an honest question and get blocked!!

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This is the most concise concentrated timeline of all of JJ's revelations regarding the plandemic that I have seen. Thank You for putting all this together in one video/document. I wish that this message would land on more people's consciousness and that the world would acknowledge JJ for the incredible work he has done.

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Outstanding! One of the best putting the pieces of the murder fraud together yet!

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RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE @ Ron Johnson (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit

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''In Scotland, in care homes it was murder misconstrued as the manifestation of a novel virus.''

Uwe, see below the evidence from the world's only official COVID-19 inquiry to hear directly from families. Largely ignored by both mainstream and 'alt' media/popular medical freedom groups/gurus for last 18 months. Why?





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What Dr. Couey says about RNA gain of function being a biological impossibility for a global virus is consistent with Sasha Latypova’s opinion as well. This was an excellent article for the layperson especially using the analogies to explain both the development of this “science” and the way it is supposed to work. While it is eye-opening in a very clear and basic way, I do not see 90% of the general public being able to understand it, much less take the time to read about it. The medical world needs to blaze the trail but that does not seem likely to happen at a meaningful level at this time. I very much appreciated the interview.

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It wasn't Latypova's opinion until after she attended multiple livestreams with Dr. Couey. She apparently 'seized' this as a narrative for some reason - usually to control and disrupt it.

In the last year or so she became extremely hostile and switched to insults as her preferred method of debate.

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Thank you. Read the transcript and listened to the audio which paints a worrying picture of collusion and false flags. The question that remains for me, however, is how to understand the 'pandemic' itself. Would the correct conclusion be that there was no pandemic and that, instead, we were witness to smoke and mirrors and, if so, shadowy forces out to confound humanity. Again, if so, who and why? For instance, Couey's colleague and his three masks. What was that about?

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The Population Pyramids of the West have your answer.

There was an expected rise in all cause mortality coming across all Western nations.

They took advantage of it to tell us an elaborate tale of ghosts that some said came from a chinese lab...they gave us tools to find and track the ghosts...and we thought ourselves ghostbusters responding to a lab leak for five years...and here we are.

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Thanks Gigaohm, although I am still unclear, according to this interview, what caused the panic (three masks to them in the know). Maybe the interviewer who ‘liked’ your answer could pin it down for me.

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Why was there "an expected ride in all case mortality coming across all Western nations?"

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#GainOfFiction #GainOfFear #GainOfFraud

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Why the obsession with things ignoring the facts that injecting anything foreign into the body bypassing the digestive system is asking for sickness.

We know the LNPs are toxic because they don't break down. Moderna had issues with it way before mRna and they found myocarditis from a non mRNA therapy (see bottom of my article).

How exactly does the mRNA pseudoscience get out of these LNPs?


As for DNA, this is why I can't follow academics. It only takes a few minutes to find out why DNA is a pseudoscience. If only Couey could realize this, it would help him find the truth. But whatever, he's allowed to believe in whatever he wants.




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I am now stating that IM injection is dumb in case you missed it. I agree. As for DNA being pseudoscience, I am open to it depending on what observations you accept and what observations you want to ignore versus reinterpret. Be well.

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The methods of discovering DNA were ridiculous.

Whatever is sequenced is essentially assuming that it fits into a couple of neat letters. How exactly was this determined?



BTW, all these decades and they still can't genetically engineer things, besides making glow in the dark rats. Seriously?

Cloned sheep don't count because that story was mired in mystery and whoops, the sheep died.

They still can't cure cancer... But of course, it's not an invasion but a result of injecting toxic crap.

In the final link, https://controlstudies.substack.com/p/the-dna-hoax-0a2

you'll see that DNA matching is not accurate at all. 23 and me was a data mining operation where they wanted to crunch the data and come up with patterns.

PCR is integral in genetics but it violates reality. It assumes that the copies are identical like a digital copy, but no, it's analog and like copying a video tape and copying that copy and so on, you end up with static.


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Rob asked "How exactly does the mRNA pseudoscience get out of these LNPs?"

Damn Good Question.

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Feb 5Edited

I'd like to emphasize what JJ Couey is saying in this article regarding the damage from MRNA vaccines,

JJ Couey references Professor Sucharit Bhakdi in a video from July 2020 where the key part is at minute 35:00


where Dr. Bhakdi basically says that the RNA infected cell expresses the spike antigen on the surface of the cell and the person's immune system killer lymphocyte cells (killer T-cells) recognize it as foreign. The killer lymphocyte cell then attacks and kills the infected cell. The person's own immune system, their killer T cells, is what is doing the damage!

In this interview JJ Couey also talks about the work he did transfecting brains of monkeys and rats:

 "the brain eventually destroys those neurons because they are expressing foreign proteins and so the the resident immune cells of the brain eventually trigger apoptosis in those cells"

JJ Couey also talks about the first death in 1999 from gene based therapy in the case of Jesse Gelsinger:

"And so the idea was to replace or to put that enzyme in his liver using an adenovirus.

But what ended up happening, of course, is what I've argued also should happen, and is happening in the brain of our mice, is that the immune system doesn't recognize that new protein as being normal. And instead, it attacks the liver cells that are transfected because they are expressing a protein that it hasn't recognized as self. It's essentially attacking what it thinks is an invading cell or a foreign material. And in so doing, he went into acute liver failure and died."

The damage from MRNA vaccines is due to the body's immune system attacking itself!!  The clots, the myocarditis, strokes, endothelium damage, all of it!  It's not some weird reaction between spike protein and some component in the blood, it is the body's immune system.  Please comment - especially if you have more info!

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quote: "...Essentially, Americans were subjected to a counterterror-insurgency strategy implemented against them by the administrative state in response to the virus. This architecture was for war overseas but was implemented against the American people. With too many interests involved, the expanding apparatus could not be stopped, even by the party in power (which is the nature of oligarchy). As occurred overseas, counterinsurgency failed and in failure imposed despotism and broke the social compact of the country. Alas, the biodefense oligarchy only accumulated more power..."

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And more peoples hard earnt taxpayer dollars went to the oligarchy, called wealth transfer.

Remember those hard earnt taxpayer dollars payed for jabs that murdered and maimed the people. NEVER Forget and NEVER Forgive.

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RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE @ Ron Johnson (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit

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My favorite parts of Covid:


No one likes to blame a victim(s).

But sometimes you have to.

Experimental Injections

… is one of those times.


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I have to admit, I was frustrated listening to you years ago for a number of reasons. But, now? What a breath of fresh air. I like your style etc and we have opportunity to make good ground. Tell your story of waking up to the fraud. It’s powerful and it helps others acclimate to the problem. Get in touch with Dr Tom Cowan for interveiw or even someone like Jason Christoff to improve your exposure. I have some strategies too. I am a Germ School Dropout from 2012. I kicked the hornets nest a long time ago. So when I see people like yourself breaking through I can fully resonate with it. It’s massive 👊

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This is one of the most succinct talks Professor Couey has done IMHO. I’ve saved it.

Thank you, Uwe! Well done, sir.

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Very simple question, when was any virus isolated and detected in whole. Never. There are 100 000 different proteins and only 22 000 gens, and he is unable to scientifically explained any of the work he has done. There is difference between injecting things in living or dead cells. No mention that nanolipid particals are kations, which is very bad for mitohondries no mater what it containes. I don't think he understands very well biology

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