Yep, these people are either bought or so stupid that they believe in their own fantasy.

The simple fact is that the system is built fine. We just need to stop allowing corruption and have the legal system focused on looking for broken laws. That would do a lot to restore the Republic.

Also, a lot of these people are sort of parallel to Trump's MAHA bandwagon, started by Calley and Casey Means. I appreciate the focus on health, but notice how they're focusing hard on food and not the biggest cause of chronic disease.... Vaccines!

So I'm seeing that this group is the cleanup crew to preserve the Republic without actually seeking the truth, but by giving out truth crumbs.

Notice how almost all of them refuse to bring up the Gaza genocide..... Money talks...

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I don't think the system is "just fine" at all. That it has evolved into its current state was inevitable and by design. And its designers were the same group who now control both sides of the Hegelian debate to which we are treated by Weinstein, Jordan, Malone and their supposed enemies.

So we do not need to keep our republic. A republic is a far worse form of government than a democracy, for it is so much easier and cheaper both to bribe or blackmail a handful of representatives than every voter, to centralize and consolidate control of the whole apparatus of government into a tiny number of hands, and to create vast bureaucracies which operate in secret.

Still even if I agree that our form of government is hopeless and that it must be reformed, Weinstein and his pals are the amongst the last who should be permitted to reform it.

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Bring up the Gaza genocide? They all support Israel.

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Good God, spare us these ancien regime fossils. Peterson is a self- infatuated bore. Weinstein is a crypto-Khazarian. Malone should among the first hauled before a COVID/Nuremburg court.

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Spot on. These people are part of the cult! They are two face and these type of people are very dangerous to humanity.

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Weinstein, as I see it, made a journey from the establishment side to the "medical freedom" movement. He stepped hesitantly until he passed the midway mark, then caught fire. I think he got some wires crossed as he embraced the freedom side. I believe he has good intentions, but has become a bit childish in his enthusiasm. He's like a boy with his first BB gun, he knows how to shoot it, but doesn't know the basics of handling and aiming.

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I agree with your assessment. Critique can help us grow if we are truly open. If we have a set agenda our words will reflect our motives. I do think his perspective is limited.

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I followed Brett Weinstein for a while, but some of his ideas seem like misdirection. Now I'm pretty sure he's a deep state asset rallying the sheep to "Build Back Better." The only thing that will Make America Healthy Again is if the government stops interfering in health decisions. Repeal all "public health" legislation and mind your own business.

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If Bret Weinstein is so intent on this as workable a plan perhaps he can lead the way by burning down all his stuff first. Maybe even livestream it to the world as a demonstration of the power of his preferred idea for rescuing the west.

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He’s compromised

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