Instead of focusing on their past or connections....

Let's judge them by what they do, not what they say.

Malone lies and pretends to question things.

Reiner pretends to want to do Nuremberg 2, runs a fake ass court and cries for donations.

They haven't done shit for us.

They both are self serving.

And both seem to have people who defend them even after we point out the evidence is clear even years before con-vid.

Yes even Pierre Kory and McCullough are grifting here....


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I think that what is questioned here (not in the court) is whether or not Reiner is trustworthy.

We learn that he appears to have been disingenuous in answering whether or not he understands what Scientology is.

Also, that he evidently either changed his mind or was coerced about reaching a negotiated settlement with the Corona Investigative Committee.

I don’t know quite what to make of it all, to be frank.

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He is not trustworthy. Charismatic unlike Vivianne who the straight arrow here. Listen to her step-by-step explanation on YouTube somewhere. He used thousands of donated monies to pay for 'answering emails' this was not agreed upon by the CIC. He ploughed thousands into his home. He planned on leaving Germany and moving to California. He lied about scientology, that is a lie he was caught in, unlikely the only lie involved here. The guy has proven to be shady and manipulative, and many of those types of characters have an appealing presentation. Regardless, it seems his case should not be dragged out like this.

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He did a video series for his organization ICIC the INTERNATIONAL CORONA INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE.....in which many prominent and highly qualified individuals testified as to the negative impact of the unwarranted "lockdowns"...followed by the illegal "mandates" and the notorious avalanche of injuries and deaths following the wake of these so-called "vaccines". I believe his committee was on the verge of exploring the detrimental effects of cell towers and 5g radiation on human and animal health when he was illegally detained and held without charges.

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Sorry....you are muddying the waters. The crux of the matter is Reiner Fuellmich was ILLEGALLY SEIZED and deported in Mexico while on vacation and flown ton Germany....not because of any bogus 'financial issues' with the deplorable Vivienne Fischer and the treacherous Wolfgang Wodarg...(formerly with the WHO}

He a highly regarded lawyer specializing in tort cases in the United States (certified to practice law in California and New York} as well as in Germany...owing to his duel citizenship.

He is being maltreated as if he is a common murderer, rapist or extortionist.

He exposed the covid world theater for what it was AND STILL IS

A disgusting agenda to take away our humanity and basic rights and freedoms that we do still have. He never threatened or hurt anyone ...yet he walks around in chains and under armed guards.

Horrifying and obviously illegal.

The real criminals are terrified of him and his ability to expose their brutal agenda that will put all of humanity "behind bars" except for the so-called "elites". ...

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That‘s what it must appear to someone who is not observing what is going on, when, and who is involved.

So many coincidences …

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It's not illegal. They had a warrant for him not reporting to court in Germany.

When he went to renew his passport, he was technically on German soil. The warrant happened there.

If he's so innocent why skip to Mexico? Why not California where he has a big fancy house?

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At most this was simply a procedural issue and NOT A CRIME. I think it is comparable to giving someone a 1O year prison sentence for a traffic violation. NO ONE WAS HURT....

In contrast...the covid 'operation' has caused immense harm both in the lockdowns and mandates and disruptions of educational and commercial activities and in the actual forcing of substances on the confused populations that many top scientists such as Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer and Peter McCullough and numerous others at doctors4covidethics.org have stated were known in advance to cause irreparable harm.

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Anyone who sees Reiner as a 'Saviour' has simply not done their due diligence, they may not even want to and have their bubble burst. Vivianne Fischer is telling the truth, while he was caught in lies. He took donated money for emails and took donated money and invested in his home. This is outrageous. It was not Vivianne who went after him legally, the other two attorneys in CIC did. However, he is entitled to his day in court as soon as possible.

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Dr. Peter Breggin has been an influential critic of "CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY", NOT "CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY". He is against the use of psychotropic medication not against talk therapy.

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Right, scientology does not approve of psychiatric medications, they have new members do a detox, lots of saunas etc. Also, scientology does exposure therapy, so the person becomes desensitized to the triggering of complexes.

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Praise God for a sane psychiatrist such as Dr. Peter Breggin. I have relatives that are life long addicts to dangerous psychotropic drugs because some sh*thead who called himself a "psychiatrist" wrote up a prescription for dangerous and addictive drugs that drastically change how the patient feels. There are many different drugs like this on the market, minimally tested and highly addictive and some "doctors" are very free with them. It is a terrible crime in my opinion,

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I agree on that.

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I couldn’t make it through the article. Are we really arguing whether or not Reiner has ever been connected with Scientology? Who cares.

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I agree.

Let's judge him by what he does.

What did Reiner do besides a mock trial?


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Took thousands from the donated money to CIC. That is a travesty. He can't be trusted. Vivianne was shocked and the other members of CIC pressed charges as far as I remember.

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The article I think is exploring a trust issue. He did lie regarding scientology. He did take thousands and pay his own firm from CIC monies for answering emails he said. He did move thousands of donated monies into his home, all against CIC guidelines. Donors gave in good faith and were betrayed.

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Indeed...who cares? Apparently his imprisonment is seen as somehow "important" when he was only trying to get justice for the MILLIONS OF VACCINE INJURED...not to mention dead....There are millions of young children who will now die because these "vaccines" MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE MARKET NOW....as Dr. Mike Yeadon former vp of Pfizer has repeatedly emphasized. With his many degrees and on the job experience of over 3O years.... he is able to judge what a drug can do...He has stated numerous times that these are not vaccines...and that they are formulated "to injure, to maim and to kill".

The point is that the real reason Reiner Fuellmich is in prison is because he was going to expose the fact that our children are under direct threat. And the following could happen to any child getting the mRNA injections which are now on the childhood vaccination schedule.

"Israel’s ‘poster boy’ for the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine died suddenly last month, aged eight. Yonatan Moshe Erlichman suffered cardiac arrest on the eve of Yom Kippur and died several days later in hospital.

Yonatan, the son and grandson of prominent Israeli doctors, appeared in a promotional video in 2020, urging Israelis to have the vaccination

Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to provide Pfizer with epidemiological data to help it evaluate the effectiveness of its vaccine. He said Israel would be “the lab for Pfizer” because almost all citizens have digitized medical records."

And of course, there is the notorious tale of nurse Tiffany Dover from Tennessee...who died in front of the camera getting her "vaccine". This lovely blue-eyed young woman was than replaced by an overweight brown-eyed creature CLAIMING TO BE Nurse Dover.

All of this has been copiously documented...

Dover's family remain mute on the subject.

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