The 'Norman' connection - Not just Hitler was handled by Anglo-American Oligarchs, who went on to have 'family' destroy East German Industry. And more.
Third Grandson of Reichsbank President was "held over the font" by Godfather Montagu Norman. The boy went on to sell off GDR industrial assets to the Corporations - which closed most of them down.
The Tavistock Connection of Adolf Hitler has attracted some attention. It has become much more credible that the road to war in Europe, especially war between Germany and Russia with the effect of the Cold War in its wake, may have been not only in the interests of British Imperial Interests, but may have been actively promoted by intelligence assets with the help of psychological manipulation that became notorious under the name of Tavistock. According to the research of Matthew Ehret and others the Oligarchy connected to the City of London may also be behind the destruction of America and a transition into a One World Government, that was accelerated considerably during the Covid Scam.
Of course, the whole trajectory is one of long-term, which makes it somewhat harder to connect the dots, and easier to fall prey to ‘bogus narratives’ designed to divert attention away from the real Cabal.
What you are going to read will expose a connection going back a century, resulting in the demolition of Industrial Assets first in Germany proper under the Nazis, and later of the former East Germany (GDR) during the 1990s, which also affected the former Soviet Union. Weakening both Germany and Russia has been a strategic goal for the Oligarchical Collectivists in London and New York. And two actors, a man closely connected to powerful Central Bankers in the 1930s, Hjalmar Schacht and Montagu Norman, and a woman with ties to the Schroder banking dynasty were instrumental in delivering the blow to East German infrastructure after German unification while both were at the helm of the “Treuhand” in the 1990s. What they delivered shaped society in Germany and Europe for decades.
“Hitler’s Magician”
Schacht appears to have been a financial genius, who came to be appointed President of the Reichsbank at the relatively young age of 46 years of age in 1923 due to his unique skills and insights into the world of finance. However, as the Biography “Hitler’s Magician. The Life and Loans of Dr. Hjalmar Schacht” highlights, Schacht seems to have been much more the product of happenstance and opportunism. Schacht was not a good scholar, least of which in arithmetic. His school testifies in 1895 Schacht as “in no way outstanding” His greatest talent: “Regards himself destined to greatness.” Schacht decided to become a journalist, which enabled him to get a job at the publicity office of the German export industry in 1900. In 1903 he joined the statistics and press office of Dresdner Bank. In 1914 he was sent to Belgium as a member of the staff for the German Occupation Administration. A “Brussels incident” had him return to Germany just a few month later in the Summer of 1915. The affair was covered up, but as was revealed in 1923 before his appointment to the Presidency of the Reichsbank, Schacht had been found morally incompetent for public office already then.
A series of good fortunes helped him to rise to a directorship in a small Bank which, through a series of merges, became one of the Big Four of German Banks, Danatbank (Darmstädter Nationalbank). Due to Schacht’s political activities since 1918, when he became one of the founding members of the German Democratic Party, Schacht in 1923 was advanced to be one of a small number of candidates for the position of President of the Reichsbank, even though he lacked professional experience and qualification for that job, according to a vote of the Reichsbank’s directorate on December 17th of 1923.
Five days later, on December 22nd, 1923, Schacht was appointed President nonetheless. The inexperienced but ambitious Schacht immediately fell under the spell of his British Counterpart, Montagu Norman. Schacht met with Norman, who had invited him to London “shortly after my appointment as President of the Reichsbank at the End of December 1923”, even before Schacht took up the office of president, “to discuss the German Currency Situation” (Schacht, Hjalmar, “The Magic of Money”, 1967, page 79). “From everything I had heard and read about Norman I formed the impression of a man who (…) had the will to shape his currency policies in such a way that they served the best interests of a peaceful world economy.”
It is of note in this context, that a ‘peaceful world economy’ in this sense must be understood as a world economy structured according to British plans for the League of Nations, with a superseding role for the British Empire, a.k.a the British Oligarchy.
As President of the Reichsbank Schacht managed to direct German Monetary Policy much in line with the interests of the financial oligarchy in the City of London and on Wall Street. He had also contributed to the formation of IG Farben AG in 1925 as a holding company for the German Chemical Industry, which until then had only been cooperating informally, opening up even more lucrative opportunities for easier investment in the cartel from international investors. Contrary to public perception of Schacht being opposed to the Young/Dawes Plans, he resigned not because of the accord, but because of the way it was implemented.
After his resignation as Reichsbank-President (while keeping his position as Board member of the Bank for International Settlements in Basle) Schacht went into politics and joined Alfred Hugenberg, the former Krupp Steel manager turned media tycoon in promoting the Nazi Party in Germany. Schacht, by some characterized as a “devout follower of the Fuehrer”, was instrumental in convincing Reich President Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Reich Chancellor. Schacht was a member of the Keppler circle, a pro-Nazi society of leading industrialists, many of which were on the payroll of steel and arms industry corporations with substantial foreign ownership.
In 1935 Schacht in his position as Minister for Economics was instrumental in passing legislation to nationalize German electricity and water suppliers, effectively forming four big players and getting rid of thousands of small public or private local competitors.
‘Little Norman’, in grandpa’s footsteps, gets rid of competition for the oligarchs after German unification
Norman Hjalmar van Scherpenberg was too young to be photographed alongside his two siblings on the lap of their grandfather, Horace Greely Hjalmar Schacht, on the Occasion of his 60th birthday in 1937. But he was the reason for a “private” trip to Berlin by Montague Norman in January of 1939. Norman, the Central Banker, was going to hold his namesake, the newborn Norman “over the font” and stand for Godfather of his good friends Hjalmar’s third grandchild on January 5th, 1939. Scherpenberg’s father, who later went on to become Secretary of State in West Germany’s Foreign Office under Adenauer (whose Chief of Staff in the Chancellor’s office was Hans Globke, one of the authors of the Nuremberg Race Laws in 1935), was married to Schacht’s daughter Inge, with whom he had three children, of which Norman Hjalmar Scherpenberg was the youngest.
After a political career taking him to the post of Assistant Secretary of State for Finance in the State of Lower Saxony (Capital: Hannover), Norman van Scherpenberg, was appointed General Plenipotentiary of the “Treuhandgesellschaft zur Wahrung der Anteilrechte der Bevölkerung am Volkseigenen Vermögen der DDR” (Trust company for the protection of the population's ownership rights to state-owned assets in the GDR). The organization was formed as of July 1st, 1990, to hold 8.400 businesses, 25.000 Retailstores, 7.500 Pubs and Restaurants, 4.2 Million acres of Land, 4. Million employees to be managed by the Treuhand.
Angela Merkel was already involved, as press officer of the then prime minister Lothar de Maiziere. The Treuhand CEO, Detlev Karsten Rohwedder, a Social Democrat from Hamburg, fought fiercly for keeping assets afloat, putting a high priority on preserving employee’s rights and jobs which western corporations wanted gone for fear of unwanted competition.

In April 1991 Rohwedder is assassinated, one week after “sources” had reported of a “link” between the terrorist Red Army Faction (RAF) and the East German Intelligence Agency, Staatsicherheit, or Stasi. At the crime scene a claim-of-responsibility by the RAF is found. Thus, Rohwedder’s death was blamed as a form of revenge by the old communist apparatus. But in 2007 journalist Gerhard Wisnewski publishes the book “Verschlusssache Terror” (Classified Information on Terror) in which he writes that the RAF was founded and set up in 1968 with the help of West Berlin Intelligence officers acting under instructions by the CIA.
Other historians confirm existing ties and cooperations between “terrorists” and intelligence agencies, apparently for the purpose of stoking panic and promoting legislation to restrict fundamental human rights. In other words: to promote an oligarchical one-world-government collectivism.
Rohwedder’s successor as President of Treuhand is Birgit Breuel, who had been van Scherpenberg’s boss already in Hannover, and who lost her position as member of the Government in Lower Saxony after an election defeat in 1990. Hjalmar Schacht’s grandson follows Breuel to work as her right hand man at the Treuhand. The way they handle things after Rohwedder’s death is quite different from that of the assassinated and experienced businessman. It is the general impression today that the Treuhand privatization failed to achieve its aim: to preserve jobs and assets on behalf of its employees and the east German population. In late 2022 a comprehensive, evidence-based study of the Treuhand legacy found: “The Treuhand: Chaotic, inefficient, corrupt, full of dilettantes and fraudsters. How did the Treuhandanstalt work? The first comprehensive, source-based investigation into its work confirms old judgments and offers new, astonishing insights.”
Birgit Breuel had been a former Minister of finance of the state of Lower Saxony and member of Federal Chancellor Kohl’s CDU party. Kohl lost the 1998 general elections in Germany. He was forced to resign from his position as lifetime member of the board of the CDU, and honorary party chairman in November 2000 following revelations of illegal funding from unknown sources. Kohl refused to say who those donors were, saying he had given his “word of honor” not to name the origins of the millions of Deutsche Marks which were delivered to his CDU party in cash by couriers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
This was the second time Kohl had been connected to illegal donations for political purposes. Back in 1983 it was the „Flick affair“ which caused major political upheaval for Kohl’s first cabinet. Money which originated from the estate of Nazi-War criminal Friedrich Flick was distributed by his youngest son (and heir to the industrial fortune), Friedrich Karl Flick to several politicians and organizations in Germany for the purpose of “cultivation of the political landscape”. Or, in the words of the NYT back in 1984, “Flick reckoned that Kohl would have a better chance of bringing a friendly conservative government to power.”
While the Flick affair showed an indirect connection of Nazi funds flowing towards political purposes connected to the CDU party in post-war Germany, a direct incident involved the Adenauer government’s decision of rearmament in the mid 1950’s, and has been traced back to August 10th of 1944, when a high ranking aide of Nazi Party chairman Martin Bormann met with captains of German industry at the Maison Rouge, or Rotes Haus, in Strasbourg in an effort to make postwar-plans in the face of certain defeat and ship money and assets out of Germany.
An extensive investigation by ARTE Television has shown that huge sums of Nazi money had been funneled into accounts in Switzerland and Liechtenstein where a Nazi agent, Rudolf Ruscheweyh, who had first brokered arms deals between Switzerland and Nazi-Germany, and later acted on behalf of [unidentified] US- and NATO-agents as go-between in preparation of West-German rearmament.
OKTOGON is the name of the operation, as well as that of the Ruscheweyh-Villa in Liechtenstein. The operation is under the control of former “American Assistant Trade Commissioner in Beligium”, E.V.D. Wight, whom the researchers suspect to be CIA. The extensive diplomatic documentation in Switzerland also makes a connection between “Ruscheweyh, Wight and Dulles”.
The money is used to pay for arms-deals for West-Germany, and also for “cultivation of political landscape”. Several members of Konrad Adenauer’s CDU government are involved. Some die mysteriously after they have appeared wanting to blow the whistle. The most prominent was Adenauer’s right hand man and Chief of Staff in the Chancellery, Otto Lenz, who had participated alongside Adenauer in secret talks of the Geneva Circle since 1947 to which Allen Dulles had invited western politicians in order to form anti-communist parties. Lenz’ name was on a list of bribed politicians in Adenauer’s cabinet. He was due to answer questions before a parliamentary committee about the flow of money, but disappeared shortly before his mysterious sudden death of “Malaria” in May of 1957 on a small island off Naples.
‘Atlantik Bridge’ leads right into present-day Looting of public property
One of the key persons involved in the most recent CDU funding scandal in 1999/2000 was former CDU party treasurer Walter Leisler Kiep. Kiep, who died in 2016, had been married to the daughter of former IG Farben board member and convicted Nazi War Criminal, Fritz ter Meer, who also had excellent connections to the Rockefeller family since brokering the deal about patent-sharing between IG Farben and Standard Oil.
In 1976 Kiep became Secretary of Finance in the State of Lower Saxony, before running for mayor and state governor in the Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg, where the Warburg Family is among the most influential. These days, the Warburg Bank is connected to a tax fraud scandal involving the present German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, who is “unable to remember” if he had been speaking to Warburg managers about the matter.
Eric M. Warburg founded the “Atlantik Brücke” (Atlantic Bridge), a trans-atlantic lobbying organization which is grooming politicians at an early age. Co-Founder was John J. McCloy, former US High Commissioner for Germany. McCloy was married to Ellen Zinsser, a cousin of West-German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer’s 2nd wife “Gussie” Zinsser. Small World.
Walter Leisler Kiep was chairman of Atlantik Brücke from 1984 until the third CDU funding scandal broke in the year 2000. Birgit Breuel, Kiep’s successor as Finance Secretary in Lower Saxony, is a member of Atlantik Brücke, as are many of former and present-day politicians in Germany. Friedrich Merz, the current leader of the opposition and chairman of the CDU party, was chairman from 2009-2019. Breuel is also a Banker’s daughter. Alwin Münchmeyer was her father. The Bank of Schröder, Münchmeyer Hengst & Co (SMH) was one of the most important German investment banks - until it nearly collapsed after several scandals and was sold to UBS. The “Schröder” in SMH is connected to the Schroder’s banking dynasties of Hamburg and London, as well as to Baron Kurt von Schröder, one of Hitler’s staunchest supporters - and friend of Konrad Adenauer’s in the inter-war period in Cologne.
It was in Kurt von Schröder’s villa in Cologne where - possibly even with Allan Dulles in attendance - Adolf Hitler and Max von Papen brokered the political deal on January 4th, 1933, which paved the way for Hitler to be appointed Reich Chancellor 24 days later. Small World.
PS: Hjalmar Schacht’s daughter Cornelia, Inge van Scherpenberg’s half-siter, until 2015 owned the rights to royalties for the Goebbels Diaries. She sued the publisher, Random House, over the matter, and refused to follow a proposed settlement, which would have included the payout of royalties in favor of Holocaust victims.
PPS: A sub-set of the CDU funding scandal happened in the State of Hesse. The Hessian CDU treasurer, Casimir Prince Sayn-Wittgenstein, tried to whitewash the illegal funds by stating the money was received from “estates of Jewish Emigrants” because of his, Wittgenstein’s, well-known and respected name. This was a lie, and the Jewish Central Council’s president at the time, Paul Spiegel, protested strongly. The Prince of Sayn-Wittgenstein was longtime president of the German section of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The WWF was founded and run by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a member of the Nazi party and member of the SS, and by Prince Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh and Husband of Queen Elizabeth II. Co-Founder of the WWF was Julian Huxley, then President of the British Eugenics Society.
This is an incredible overview of the fascist rot that gave rise to everything evil done in the name of Germany over the past century. Many new elements to this story that surprised me. Thank you for pulling this pile of skeletons out of the closet
Fantastic saga of corruptions, the roots of the present days, just in the mud of Nazi times....and even in older and older days, the crap of these oligarchs who only devore all they can, destroy all beauty around, inbreeding dynasty of blue blood crap. They seems to be the ones in the shadow deploying on humanity the more cruel attack we experienced on our core. The "carcinogenic tissue" of oligarchs, banquers, corporations, psycho philantropaths, conspiracy societys and clubs, militars, sylicon valley meta criminals, and so on ... Great article to expose in plain sight these monsters and their political puppets!