And they lived happily ever after...
It reads like a fairy tale: Germans born after the Nazi era have learned the lesson. Even more so the heirs to industrial fortunes. But have they? Two prominent examples indicate otherwise.
The Nazis were defeated in World War II. And Germany, the country in whose name the “Final Solution” was designed and executed, has become a role model for how to tackle the issue of Rememberance and Responsibilty of the darkest of dark pasts, so that the Future can be bright. Germany’s corporations, as well as the founding dynasties of those businesses, are in the driving seat of the process of coming to terms with the past.
At least that is what they want us to believe. Which is why they set up a billion dollar fund called “Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft” (Rememberance, Responsibility, Future).
The following report will highlight two examples (out of possibly many more yet waiting to be researched) which reveal a shocking extent of lies and deceit around what seems to be nothing but a systematic whitewash orchestrated by descendants of Nazi war criminals and/or enthusiasts. While one is connected to one of the biggest names of German Industry of the time, the Flicks, the second, and even more disturbing is centered around a perceived newcomer to the league of commercial heavyweights: the Reimann family, who during the Nazi era operated in the shadow of giant I.G. Farben in Ludwigshafen on the Rhine, but who through their JAB-Holding have become a significant international player.
Both families are engaged in funding projects which deride and defame Holocaust survivors and other critics, who are calling out the dangers to Humanity which emanate from the Biosecurity Agenda and its ongoing promotion of experimental genetic injections. Thus both families belie the pledge of Rememberance and Responsibilty, and help to silence discussion and debate of a significant threat to the Future of Humanity.
The Reimann Family history seems to be particulary unsettling, as that history includes the fathering of three children out of wedlock by Nazi enthusiast Albert Reimann jr. with an employee whose jewish father was deported and killed by the Nazis. It is in the name of this Jew, Alfred Landecker, that the Reimann Family today is conducting their program of dealing with the past, which seems to be little more but a withewash.
But first let’s take a look at the Flick’s case.
The “Mick” Flick case.
Friedrich Christian (“Mick”) Flick, who was “a well-known playboy and prominent figure among the jet set in Monaco and the Riviera”, is the grandson of convicted Nazi-War Criminal and Steel Magnate Friedrich Flick. After Mick Flick, who sold his shares in the company to his Uncle Friedrich-Karl Flick in 1975, was heavily criticised for refusing to pay reparations to victims after German Unification, in 2001 he set up the “F. C. Flick Foundation against Xenophobia, Racism, and Intolerance" in Potsdam, probably also in an effort to whitewash his name.

One of the beneficiaries of the Flick money is the “Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Antisemitism” (JFDA). The JFDA received funding for several projects since the Flick Foundation took off, the last record for a grant being from 2022. On January 26 of 2022 artist Monica Felgendreher, who spoke at a rally outside the German Bundestag, was reported to the police for “incitement and relativization of the Holocaust” which is a crime in Germany. All she had done was quote from Vera Sharav’s speech in Brussels a few days earlier. On its website, the Flick-funded JFDA wrote:
“It is also striking in the conversation with Felgendreher that she quotes Vera Sharav, a Jewish key witness and Holocaust survivor. Sharav had attracted attention in Brussels last weekend by drawing comparisons to Nazi crimes of violence in connection with the vaccination campaign. Cases like this, of Holocaust survivors or descendants of Holocaust victims actively championing the causes of Querdenken & Co. and making explicit references to National Socialism, have occurred sporadically. In the recent past, a group of Holocaust survivors and their descendants had spoken out in favor of Sucharit Bhakdi, (…), who had previously been criticized for anti-Semitic statements.”
“A person potentially affected by racism can express racism just as a person potentially affected by anti-Semitism can express anti-Semitism. The same can be applied to Holocaust relativization: Even if a person survived the Holocaust, this does not mean that this person cannot also relativize the Holocaust.”
It is outrageous that a foundation, whose “fortunes” stem from abetting, promoting and profiting from genocidal Nazi policies (and therefore cannot be termed “good” or “righteous”), should go on to fund an organization where disrespect towards Survivors of the Shoa is shown publicly, and where common sense and decency are completely lacking.
To the contrary: the fight against “anti-semitism”, in which the Flick foundation seems to invest in a frantic attempt to rid itself of its Nazi mark of Cain, is anything but. If Survivors are accused of Holocaust Relativization and denied to voice their concerns, which to voice they are morally entitled according to the President’s Commission on the Holocaust, this contradicts the aim set out by the Flick Foundation. Do those working for the JFDA know what they are talking about? Are they in their right mind to judge those who, like Irène Tokayer, defend scientists with an open mind and who point out parallels between what they personally witnessed then, and what they are witnessing now?
Whether the Flick Foundation understands this can only be guessed. Because any continued affiliation of a (former) Nazi war criminal’s family to an organization which denies the right to have these elemental and existential concerns raised as well as discussed would reinforce the concern of “that serpent’s rearing its ugly head yet again”. The fact that it is a “Jewish Forum” which is calling for cancelling the Survivors is inconsequential for this suspicion to be justified. It is the silencing of Survivors (and of objections) which would pose the greatest risk for a possible new Holocaust:
“We have learned that silence is never the answer. We have learned that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. What is memory if not a response to, and against indifference?
So let us remember, let us remember for their sake, and ours: memory may perhaps be our only answer, our only hope to save the world from the ultimate punishment, a nuclear holocaust.”
— The President’s Commission on the Holocaust, Report to the President,
page 31-32
It would be foolish to think that had the President’s Commission been aware of the potential of the gene technology back in 1979, ten years before the start of the Human Genome Project, the warning would not have included a possible genetic holocaust.
The Reimann Family Cover Up
Since the early 19th century the Reimann Family has been co-owner of the chemical factory Joh. A. Benckiser, first from Pforzheim and later from Ludwigshafen on the Rhine. When the last male Benckiser died, and the company fell to the Reimann Family as sole owners. Karl Ludwig Reimann, a chemist who in 1828 had isolated Nicotine, had joined Benckiser back in 1830 and became his son-in-law in 1833. Albert Reimann senior, a grandson, joined the company in 1896, and his son, Albert jr., in 1928.
Father and son had, according to a brand new book about the Benckiser-company’s Nazi past, been attracted to Hitler as early as 1924 (son) and 1927 (father). Both had joined the Nazi Party by 1932, one year prior (!) to Hitler’s promotion to Reich Chancellor. According to press reports from 2019, the Reimann family, when faced with the Nazi-past of Albert sen. and junior went “pale as a sheet”. Nobody had known, so the story goes. The most embarrassing detail was the revelation that Albert Reimann jr. had fathered three children with an employee, Emilie Landecker, whose father Alfred, due to the Nazi policy of “Racial Hygiene” was first fired from the firm, and later deported and killed in a Nazi death camp.
“We have been a purely Aryan family business for over a hundred years. The owners are unconditional believers in racial doctrine.
The name of our company, and especially the fact of our attitude against Judaism, should be familiar to you from previous correspondence.”
— Albert Reimann jr, on July 1st, 1937, in a letter to SS-Chief Himmler
More than that: Albert Reimann jr. adopted his sister’s children. Elisabeth Emma “Else” Reimann, who like her father, her mother and brother had been an early Nazi enthusiast and leader of the local chapter of the Nazi party’s girls federation BDM before marrying SS-Sergeant Hans Dubbers in 1935. Before they were allowed to have children, the couple gladly subjected to be assessed and certified by the SS-Sippenamt (SS Office of Geneaology) as being of "good hereditary health" and given permission to get engaged and married.
Because his marriage to his second wife Paula remained childless, Albert Reimann jr. in July 1958 adopted his SS-Brother-in-law’s children Hans Gerhard, Günter Hans, Volker, and Hedwig-Else. The Reimann-Dubbers children were each bequeathed 10 percent of the company when their grandmother died in 1962. In 1965, three years after his mother’s death, Reimann then formally adopted his three children with Emilie Landecker, (Renate, Wolfgang, Andrea) before, in 1967, also adopting two children (Stefan and Matthias) from his second cousin Otto Andersen, who was his mothers sister’s son.
There is no recorded evidence of Else Reimann sen.’s personal view on the Nazi era afterward, other than an entry in her diary about “everything from what is our saddest time”, but she certainly had been anti-semitic in the years before the Nazis came to power, as this diary entry from 1922 shows:
“The greatest sorrow comes from the daily events and accounts reported in the newspapers. Just now we have an apt example of this. After two splendid young people shot the ‘Jew-king’ Rathenau, who was fanatically revered by democrats, Jews and the ignorant people, and now took their own lives after a hunt at Saaleck Castle. They died as true heroes [...]. The Jewish press knows how to use such artificially created, overheated atmosphere for itself and the people are now raging against all monarchically minded people, in short against all truly German people. The black-white-red flag is definitely forbidden, and under the slogan Protection of the Republic, that is, of course, of the Jews, a fight is being waged against those on the right [...].”
— Diary entry by Emma Wilhelmine Elisabetha “Else” Reimann, née Andersen,
July 1922

It is this ambiguity of a family trying to come to terms with their own as well as their nations’s past which speaks loudly from the new book about the Benckiser company’s Nazi legacy (published as recent as July of 2023). It was awaited anxiously by the public after tabloid newspapers from Great Britain and from Germany had dug up the scandalous issue in 2018/19 with much attention being paid to the romance of Albert Reimann jr. and Emilie Landecker contrasting her father’s murder by way of policies the Reimann’s had themselves supported.
The True Scandal
It has to be believed that the Reimann heirs, especially those who were grandchildren to Alfred Landecker, Emilie’s father, were indeed shocked by what they learned. As such, their decision to reshape their family foundation set up in 2005 away from its original focus on the Benckiser chemistry towards confronting the Reimann’s anti-semitism must be lauded. They did so in 2019 by naming the organization after their Jewish grandfather: Alfred Landecker Foundation.
However, the Reimann heirs will have to face responsibility for allowing the true scandal of this story to unfold:
Even though they may be acting in good faith regarding their stance towards the Covid pandemic, that is: even if the Reimann heirs (who have a strong professional affinity to science themselves) do not question prevailing narratives as to the growing number of contradictions and inconsistencies within the story of the origins of SARS-CoV2 as well as within the given rationale of the genetic injections in spite of their possible danger to the Human Genome, the Reimann’s are turning a blind eye to what kind of projects the Alfred Landecker Foundation (ALF) is funding and supporting.

Strenghten Democracy, Depolarize Debate, Confront the Past. Whilst the intentions of the ALF may be genuine, it is neglecting the responsibilities which come with such a daunting task: You need to put your money where your mouth is. Instead, the ALF is doing the opposite, as was shown by this Thread on Twitter:

The Alfred-Landecker-Foundation is the biggest donor for the Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy CeMAS (German). The Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy “defines itself as being at the interface of science, journalism and society. To this end, anti-democratic tendencies are detected and analyzed at an early stage.”
What may sound laudable at first, quickly shows its ugly face when CeMAS pledges to “equip society to actively counter conspiracy ideologies, disinformation, antisemitism and right-wing extremism in context of current challenges and future crises.”
By employing in a prominent fashion the thought terminating clichée “conspiracy theory” in its even more weaponized form “conspiracy ideology” the CeMAS reveals its true aim: to shut down debate!
How much more anti-democratic can this self-proclaimed “detector of anti-democratic tendencies” get? And how is it possible for an organization in the name of a Jewish Holocaust Victim which depicts itself as “an incubator for democracy in the digital age”, to support such a scam? When all scientific and political dissent is framed “right-wing” and delegitimized as “conspiracy ideology” democratic discourse is narrowed down and limited, even smothered and extinguished.
How much more polarizing can it become? Does “Protect Minorities” not apply to dissenting voices against highly speculative and dangerous policies?
How is it “confronting the past” when you finance the shutting-up of Holocaust Survivors? These may, as yet, represent a minority, but the point out that what was warned against in the Report to the President by the Commission on the Holocaust as risk for another Holocaust was limited to what risks where known then. Thus, it was warned against a “nuclear dimension” for a repeat. This warning would surely have been echoed by a warning against the “genetic technology’s dimension” if that technology had been on the horizon back in 1979 as a relevant threat. It wasn’t then - but it is now!
Whether or not these survivors represent a majority, or whether the concerns they raise are justified can not be a question for anyone who seeks to learn from the past, and live up to the pledge “Never Again!” It has been documented in detail that it is an obligation for society to take the warnings seriously, because “it can happen again”, and it may happen in a manner that is different from what the German Nazis did. Elie Wiesel, Chairman of the President’s Commission on the Holocaust has rightly said: “Mankind itself was threatened then, in those darkest of days. And in some ways, it still is”.
Will the Heirs to Nazi War Criminals and Collaborators heed the message and come around to enable debate? Or will they continue to instrumentalize their ancestors Nazi past for their own purposes? We will see!
“On the one hand, these critical questions of investors or customers about the Nazi past were made with good reason, but on the other hand, they were made under superficial motives that were not concerned with transparency in the politics of the past, but with instrumentalizing the Nazi era for their own purposes.”
— “The chemical factory Joh A Benckiser under National Socialism”,
page 475